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Can Xeoma Cloud be redistributed between several companies?

Q: Can we use the Xeoma Cloud 128 camera subscription for different companies, in other words, can we subdivide it?

A: The general rule is you have to have separate accounts for different users in Xeoma Cloud because otherwise you will have to invest quite a lot time into managing the system. So imagine you bought a subscription for 128 cameras for 1 month. There will be the main user of the account – for example, you. You as an administrator of this account can create sub-users but the time limit for 30 days will be applied to your account in general only. So you will have to keep track of who paid for their sub-subscriptions, and who didn’t, on your own. And you will have to delete accounts of those who didn’t pay and connect new accounts on your own, too. There will be no automation in that case.

But if you buy separate licenses for separate companies, the automation is engaged: when each account is running out by being unpaid for, you will be notified.

By the way, if you want to create your own Video Surveillance Cloud Service, take a look at Xeoma Pro Your Cloud.

Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance regarding Xeoma!